3 Bible Stories of Hope for When You’re Discouraged

3 Bible Stories of Hope for When You’re Discouraged

Do you feel deeply discouraged right now? Maybe things just keep getting worse, and you don’t know what to do anymore. Or maybe you are finding it hard to have the strength to keep going. 

I can understand what you are feeling because I have been there. What has helped me and will help you as well is to remember that God sees you and is with you. He has encouragement for you through Bible stories of hope

There are more than 7 stories of hope in the Bible that can speak to your heart and into your situation to help you know who God is. He can make a way for you, too, so you don’t have to be discouraged. 

It’s not guaranteed that things will go the way you want them to, or that he will answer your prayers in your timing. But what is guaranteed is that you can walk through your difficulties in this life with peace, comfort and even joy when you ask him, seek him, trust him and stand in the truth of his word. He will lead you and guide you, never leaving you, with his unconditional love. 

You can trust his ways and wisdom, knowing he has the best for you. Troubles will continue to come in this life—bringing suffering—but with Jesus you can avoid discouragement as you thrive and transform into his likeness. 

What Does the Bible Say About Hope?

In the New Testament, teaching on hope in the Bible shows that Jesus is our hope. He is where hope comes from, the source of it.

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope…”  (1 Timothy 1:1, ESV) 

Hope in God means he should be the rock on which you fixate in order to stay strong in this time; to not be discouraged because you can expect from him. 

The only way you will get through this season is to place your hope in him, knowing he is the basis upon which all things will work out for your good. 

He is creator, redeemer, in control of all things… and you can expect good things because you are his child. It may not always look like it, but he will use what is happening for your good. 

So, what is hope in the Bible? It’s Jesus Christ. He can change things for you in an instant, and this brings encouragement. 

This starts with reading his Bible and praying. And knowing and acknowledging, without a doubt, that his presence is with you and his Holy Spirit is always there to help you. Just call out to Jesus.

1 Timothy 1:1

What Is Hope in Christ?

Ultimately, our hope in Christ is found in what he did for us and therefore, because of this, what you can expect for the future. 

To get through difficult experiences and suffering you need to focus on his promises of what you will receive as his child on earth and in eternity. 

What it says in the Bible is all truth. This starts with first focusing on how he rescued you from your sins—enduring so much agonizing pain to bring healing to you and to give you peace in it all. 

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5, ESV) 

Focus on this for encouragement. Troubles come but his peace can always be with us, too. 

Here is a list of more truths to give you hope and encouragement as you stay focused on the Bible:

  • Because you are a child of God, you will spend eternity with him. The suffering you are experiencing now on earth is temporary and can’t compare to the joy you will receive with Jesus forever.
    In his presence there is only joy. No more pain. Look forward to the reward of eternity and stay encouraged by being faithful to him.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4, ESV)

  • When you are discouraged, you are in a susceptible, emotional state. In this place, the enemy can attack you easier… so you must remember the truth that the Lord is close at hand and aids the brokenhearted. 

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18, ESV)

  • Jesus will work things out for your good when you live as his word says. No matter what you are going through, he will use it for your good as you live according to his purpose. His purpose is to make you more like him, which is restoring you.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, ESV) 

Focusing on the biblical message of hope will allow you to be encouraged because things can change. Only he sees the bigger picture and can change things for you. 

Keep looking to him as your source of hope, trusting him. He is always working on your behalf for your good. You are his child and he has good things for you as you walk through this trying time.

Bible stories of hope

Short Bible Verses About Hope

To not feel discouraged in your difficult seasons, you can also look up some short Bible verses about hope in hard times. Here are 3 verses that God asks one to do that can help you in this time.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV)

These verses will remind you what to do during this time to stay focused on the hope you have in Christ. Rejoice in his truth, keep praying, and be thankful to him. This changes things and allows you to walk through this hard time in peace instead of focusing on what is happening. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Bible Stories of Hope

There are so many Bible stories of hope to help you. A really great thing to do, especially in hard times, is to enter into these stories as you read them to remember who God is to have hope. 

Picture yourself as the biblical figures. Highlight some verses that resonate with you. This is a powerful exercise to help you have hope in your discouragement. 

Below, you will find 3 Bible stories about hope in hard times. 

The Story of Joseph

In your discouragement, when it only feels like bad things are happening, know God will do good through it for you as you stand faithful to him. If you are struggling to believe this truth, remember the story of Joseph. 

Joseph went through many difficult things. Some of his trials included his brothers selling him into slavery (Genesis 37:12-36) and being put in prison despite being innocent (Genesis 39:17-18), but he stayed faithful to God in it all. 

As a result, God blessed him so much. We see this as God gave him high positions even in prison and those who put him in the high positions were blessed too. 

“But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. And the keeper of the prison put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever was done there, he was the one who did it. The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed.”  (Genesis 39:21-23, ESV) 

You have God’s grace and are deeply loved, like Joseph. You are no different and he is the same God who will work things out for you. 

Be encouraged in this time that God sees and recognizes your steadfastness in him. It matters and he will use what you are going through for good. Being encouraged will help you. 

The Story of Hannah

Are you praying for something that you want so badly… but feeling discouraged because you are not seeing your prayer answered? 

Hannah is the story of a woman who desperately wanted a child but was unable to bear one at the time she wanted. She prayed, and finally God answered her prayer in amazing ways. 

He gave her a child, Samuel, that he used mightily… and Hannah gave him back to God as she said she would.  

“And she said, ‘Oh, my lord! As you live, my lord, I am the woman who was standing here in your presence, praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.’” (1 Samuel 1:26-28, ESV) 

God hears your prayers all the time and answers in the way that is best for you in his timing… so you don’t have to feel discouraged. 

You have to stand in the truth to be encouraged always, no matter what you feel, because feelings lie. But the word of God is all truth. Don’t believe lies from the enemy. 

Whatever God has is best and he will answer in the best way for you. Keep praying and don’t stop. Pour out your deepest feelings in the sorrow. You will feel met, being comforted and encouraged along the way, as you get your specific prayer answered. 

Relate to the Bible Story
Subscribe to download this free resource with questions that will allow you to enter into these stories to help lift you up.

The Story of Samuel

Have you made time to listen to God lately? Another example on the list of Bible stories of hope is Samuel. 

Hannah gave Samuel back to God as she said she would (1 Samuel 1:11). He lived with Eli in the temple (1 Samuel 1:24). 

He heard a voice calling to him several times, and Eli replied that it wasn’t him, so it must be God calling to him. After learning this, Samuel answered God when he called again. 

“And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant hears.’” (1 Samuel 3:10, ESV) 

Samuel made it known that he was listening. Have you made it known to God that you are listening? 

God wants you to listen to him. In your discouragement, hearing the words of the Lord can change it all to allow you to feel encouraged. 

Tell him you are listening and listen. He speaks through all sorts of ways, such as through the Bible, the radio, Christian books, Christian friends, directly to you, etc. 

Read the Bible for encouragement. Pray. Don’t stay discouraged. 

God wants you to remain encouraged—no matter what you are walking through—because he is doing great things in this for you and in you.

Related: How Does God Speak to Us?

Also Related: Hearing From God: Allowing Him to Speak Through You for Others

God doesn’t want you to feel discouraged, even though you are walking through a hard time and suffering. You can look to Bible stories about hope in hard times to not feel discouraged. These Bible stories of hope include but are not limited to Joseph, Hannah and Samuel. He is such a good God and is worthy of all praise and worship for just who he is. The importance of hope in the Bible—knowing where it comes from—is needed and the benefits of hope in God will help you to live in peace during difficult times.

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4 Responses

  1. Dear Nikki,
    I am an 81 year old Christian mother and grandmother. I have been walking in the most heart wrenching trial regarding my children and grandchild. Your messages are a salve on my broken heart. Thank you so much

    1. Hi, Linda.
      I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been going through such a heart-wrenching trial. I’m so thankful that these messages have blessed you in this difficult time. To God be all the glory!
      Please know that I’m praying for you.

  2. Thank you very much Nikki for writing this information about being encouraged when discouragement has challenged me. I’m greatly encouraged and blessed to continue hopping in christ, even with examples of joseph, hannah and samuel who went through tough times but God saw them through and helped them. Thank God in Jesus name for you.
    I will begin to hope things will be better for me one day.
    Nikki, I have gone through discouragements as a servant of God, almost giving up serving him because things don’t seem to be okay. I responded to the call of God in 1996 during a revival prayer meeting in Anglican church and served my God there until I moved to pentecostal church where I was ordained as pastor in 2012. Since this time my prayer has been to establish myself in a church building ( house of the lord) with the congregation, but still worshipping in my house. we raised some funds and bought a church plot.
    It has been so discouraging to me as pastor becausing some members gave up and left our church thinking we are failures in serving God.
    My vision is delaying coming to pass.
    However, Jesus in control your encouragement will help me. I will remain focused , faithful , prayerful and hopeful expecting like hannah, my answer from our God jehovah.
    Stand with me in prayers, without the house of the lord we are not comfortable to do church services.
    more blessings to you and family.
    I sent greetings in Jesus mighty name Amen.

    1. Hi, Timothy.
      Thank you so much sharing. I’m so glad to hear that this article was such an encouragement to you. I will be standing with you in continuous prayer.
      God bless you and your family also. I’m so glad to receive your message, as your faith in your walk with the Lord is growing my faith as well. Praise Jesus, he’s so good and is worthy of it all.

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Nikki Evanson

Hi, I'm Nikki

My goal is to help and equip Christians like you to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39: to love God and love people, and within this we need to learn how to love ourselves as God does.

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