Early in my walk with Christ, I still thought it was acceptable to lie in order to get out of something if I didn’t want to go. I didn’t think it would hurt anyone… so, what did it matter?
But as I read the Bible more, seeking to imitate Christ, I saw that my thoughts on this were wrong. All lying, whether big or small, is wrong and hurts people.
To imitate Christ well, our behaviors need to match his. In order to do this, our minds need to be thinking thoughts that coincide with what is in the Bible.
Thinking the right thoughts results in the right actions. Thoughts dictate behavior.
If you want to imitate Christ, changing your behavior to act as he wants, there is a Bible verse that you can focus on that will help you to have the right mindset.
What Does It Mean to Imitate Christ?
Jesus wants you to imitate him by seeking to have the same character as his. This is seen in Ephesians 5:1 and in many other imitating Christ verses in the Bible.
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Ephesians 5:1, ESV)
Paul is talking about modeling Christ by forgiving other people, having empathy for others, and loving others.
But he wants you to be imitators of Christ in many other ways as well, which is seen in other places in the Bible.
You need to follow the example of Christ by being humble, being loyal, being a person of integrity, speaking honestly, etc. The way we live our lives should show others Jesus.
When you have Christ-like character, you are ultimately loving him. You are following the greatest commandment as you yield to the Holy Spirit, allowing the word to transform you to be more like him.
How to Imitate Christ?
How to imitate Jesus starts by studying his life in the Bible. You can also study others such as Paul, who imitated Jesus well.
You need to have a knowledge of how Christ lived, which is in the gospels.
Christ loved everyone. He spoke the truth. He didn’t gossip. He always helped people and didn’t think of himself. He was selfless.
We will not do these things perfectly, but we can commit to being an example of Christ to show him to others, while loving ourselves too.
We feel good and at peace within ourselves when we choose to be imitators of God because we are living according to his will and design. The Spirit will help you to change as you yield to him.
Remember that it’s a life long process being transformed into the image of Christ.
Remember his grace, mercy and the great love he has for you. Forgive yourself as he forgives you. Be gentle with yourself, too.
Imitate Christ to Change Your Behavior
We all struggle with behaviors that we want to change to be more like Christ, whether that’s lying, laziness, gossiping, or complaining.
Whatever it may be, if you want to change a behavior in your life, you need to get your mind right to do it. Paul shares a verse that can help you do this in the book of Philippians.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8, ESV)
This verse will help you have the right mindset to then do the right actions as God wants you to in order to imitate him (as described in Philippians 4:9).
When you think on the virtues named in this verse, you can live to be like Christ—changing your behavior because you will have the right mindset.
The first four of these virtues (true, honorable, just, pure) are ones to be practiced within. The others (lovely, commendable) are outward demonstrations of how we apply the first four, pertaining to how people in the world view us.
Below you will find ways to do this. You can also be encouraged that the Holy Spirit empowered Paul to live in this way, showing others the good news and representing the church well. He can do it for you, too.
1. Truth
Philippians 4:8 starts off by saying “Finally, brothers, whatever is true…” This means to think about Jesus as he says in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life…” (ESV)
He is the truth. He lived the truth. It is all about him and the gospel.
What would Jesus do? You can think about that in order to do the right thing. Live out the truth as he did.
For example, if you are tempted to complain in your situation because you are in need, remember that he is the great provider.
Focus on him and his words in the Bible when you are trying to change a behavior to be like Christ. Remembering this can help you to think about another specific verse to break off bad habits.
To imitate Christ we need to think of whatever is true to do the right thing before God. He is all truth, so therefore this should be the way to live to be like him: living in truth and by his truth.
When you think this way you will be able to spot lies and deceit, too. It is important to get your mind thinking on whatever is true as living out all the other virtues starts with this.
2. Honorable
Another virtue of God is being honorable; to do this, you should think of things that are honorable. “Finally, brothers,… whatever is honorable…”
Have a mindset of honor and respect to be like Christ. This means within you, you should have respect for God, others, and yourself, thinking this way about all things.
Be a person of integrity inwardly to be likewise outwardly; this will help you to imitate Jesus well. It’ll allow you to act well in both bad situations and good.
“Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right…” (Proverbs 8:6, ESV)
God is honorable and you can be, too. When you think honorably of others, yourself and about things in general you can be imitating Christ well.
3. Just, Right
Paul goes on to say, “Finally, brothers,… whatever is just…” Some translations instead of just, use the word right. Either way, God wants you to do what is right and just by him.
This has to do with actions and is according to what he says, as he sets the standards to what is considered right.
You are righteous because you are a child of God and should act this way because of what he did for you on the cross.
Remember this to emulate Christ well in hard decisions when you are tempted to do what the world wants you to do. Think on how he lived, walking in righteousness, to do the same as he would do. Think about what is right to do, in all things.
4. Pure
Paul tells you to think pure thoughts. In this context, he is talking about not thinking about things that this world values but to think about things of God instead. “Finally, brothers,… whatever is pure…”
Keep your mind fixated on him and things related to him, and not things of this world.
In other places in the Bible, it talks about keeping your body pure by way of doing the right behavior. This means thinking about whether a decision will keep your body pure, holy, and maintaining the purity of Christ within you.
God lives within you, making you his temple. You need to keep his temple pure by walking in holiness as he did.
Keep your mind thinking about things of God—not of this world—to keep walking purely as this world tries to mess you up.
5. Lovely and Commendable
Paul mentions next about being lovely and commendable. “Finally, brothers,… whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable…”
Lovely is to think about things that God says are delightful, enjoyable and pleasing. Commendable (or admirable as some translations say) is to think of things in this way so people will see you in a favorable way as you demonstrate Christ.
You can attract people to him by setting your mind on things that are lovely and admirable. You need to think of things that are lovely and commendable so you can present yourself to the world beautifully. That way, others will see Christ and want to know him.
6. Excellent and Worthy of Praise
Lastly, this passage says to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. “Finally, brothers,… if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Think about things Jesus sees as excellent, such as his creation. Worthy of praise is talking about praising him. This has to do with praising Jesus and getting praise from him, too.
You should always want to please him. This is done when we have the right mindset to act as he wants us to, leading others to see him. Then his name is glorified and praised.
Think about what he sees as excellent and how you can praise him.
If you want to imitate Christ well, you need to change your mindset to think like him. Paul speaks of a verse that can help you do this, Philippians 4:8, which speaks about virtues to be like Christ. Remember the Holy Spirit is with you to help you. To be like Christ is a lifelong process, so when you mess up remember his grace, mercy and love each day to keep going.
4 Responses
Thank you for sharing this excellent scripture passage, the truth n love of God’s word n the instruction He gives to help us to know how to live n walk by His spirit n be changed by Him in our thoughts n actions to be like Jesus.
Hi, Sheila.
I’m so glad to hear that this article was so helpful to you. All glory to God!
It’s so wonderful to connect with you.
Thank you so much for this, it blessed me
Hi, Damilola.
I’m so glad that this blessed you. To God be all the glory!
It’s so wonderful to connect with you.