Restore the Joy of My Salvation

Restore the Joy of My Salvation

When I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I had so much joy because of what my salvation meant. But as the years went on, I sometimes found myself not focusing on my salvation daily. Some seasons were overwhelming, and I sometimes felt like I was just surviving, defeated by the enemy and powerless.

But deep down, my heart ached for the Lord to restore the joy of my salvation. If you are like me and have gone through seasons or days like this and want to experience the joy of salvation again, you can. 

Remembering your salvation in Jesus Christ and what it means can bring you to a place of deep victory in Christ again, with a renewed passion to accomplish his purposes in this world and restore your joy in the Lord too. 

Can You Lose Your Salvation Once You Are Saved?

Just because you haven’t focused on your salvation in Jesus Christ doesn’t mean you can lose it. The enemy wants you to think this so you fall further away from following God. 

Maybe you have heard the saying “once saved, always saved.” Well, it’s true if you are faithfully, consistently, prayerfully seeking God. When you accepted Jesus with all your heart as your Savior—knowing he died on the cross for you, admitting that you were a sinner, and giving him control of your life—you have salvation forever.

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28, NIV) 

The enemy can’t take that from you. He tries to distract you and make you feel defeated when things in life are hard. Don’t let him keep you from finding joy in your salvation. God sees you, and knows your heart. He knows your daily devotion to him.

Restore the Joy

Helmet of Salvation

In order to focus on your salvation daily to remain strong in Jesus, it’s important to put on the helmet of salvation from the armor of God every day. This allows you to remember God’s gift of salvation, as well as be empowered by it. 

When you are not wearing the helmet of salvation as God instructs you to, you can be defeated by the enemy. 

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”  (Ephesians 6:17, NIV) 

The enemy doesn’t want you to stand strong in your salvation… because then he has no power. The helmet of salvation is the foundational piece that allows us to stand firm and unmoved in God with all the other pieces. 

You can’t stand strong in the breastplate of righteousness if you doubt your salvation. Don’t ever doubt it. 

Restore the Joy of My Salvation

If you have gone through a hard season where you felt defeated, distracted by the enemy, or haven’t focused on your salvation, you can experience joy from your salvation again. 

I hope these 7 tips can help you restore the joy of your salvation and allow you to remember how powerful it is for daily living. Jesus wants us to live each and every day affected and enthralled by what he did for us. 

1. Sharing the Word of God With Others

God calls all believers to evangelize. 

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” (Mark 16:15, NIV) 

Sharing the gospel with others is as beneficial for them as it is for your own heart. It reminds you of what he did for you on the cross. 

When you see the effect it has on the hearts of others, and as you share this truth again, it ignites your heart also. You see the Holy Spirit move, and that stirs passion and excitement in you. It is also powerful to go out with others and hear the stories of how God moved for them. 

God is all powerful and when his Spirit is present and moving, your heart will be moved too. You’ll have joy in your salvation again.

Mark 16:15

2. Sharing Your Testimony

The power of sharing your testimony can spark in you the joy of your salvation. It can remind you of what God has done for you personally; how much he loves you and sees you.

“‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” (Luke 8:39, NIV) 

Share your testimony and let what God has done for you be rekindled in your heart and remind you of who he is. It will spark the joy of your salvation and give you passion for following him again. Share your testimony as often as you can!

3. Help of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit can restore the joy of salvation. 

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:25-26, NIV) 

He will help you remember the truth in the Bible of what Jesus did for you. Pray for the Spirit to reignite a newness in your heart for your salvation to love God, love yourself, and in response love people. 

4. Prioritizing God as First

In the book of Revelation, you can read God’s letters to the churches and how they can improve. The church of Ephesus received the criticism of not loving God first. 

“Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” (Revelation 2:4, NIV) 

This can help you, too. If you are not prioritizing God first—which starts with a heart that loves him above all else—how can you still have joy in your salvation, always? Pray to love him above all, and focus on the love he has for you, so you can love him too.

5. Maintaining a Constant Relationship With Jesus

Maintaining a constant relationship with Jesus through reading his word, praying, and also staying connected with other believers helps restore the joy of salvation. It helps you stay free from sin and be alerted of ways you are not walking with God. 

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7, NIV) 

This enables you to stay humbled to what he has done for you because you need to repent of your sins. His forgiveness allows you to bask in the joy of salvation. Live in community with others and communicate with Jesus first and foremost.

1 John 1:7

6. Live Each Day Surrendered

When you live your days not striving to be perfect (because you are not) but surrendered to God and his will, you can find joy in your salvation. You can feel this way because you can accept yourself for who you are and rely on Jesus. This brings so much freedom and acceptance of yourself. 

“Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.” (Proverbs 22:4, NIV) 

This reminds you of how amazing your salvation is, producing joy from it in you again to not have to try to be perfect when you can’t be. Your salvation allowed you to lay that down because you knew you needed him and still do. 

7. Having Grace for Yourself

Even though you’ve messed up greatly and still do, Jesus still chose to save you and wants a relationship with you. 

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV) 

It’s nothing that you did or can brag about. What you can do is find joy in Jesus for your salvation from this truth. Every day you mess up… yet recalling your salvation daily can bring you to a place of joy again when you remember this truth. This renews your joy of salvation. 

Your joy in salvation should be something you live out every day; it should never become dull. But sometimes you can experience this. I was crying out for the Lord to “restore the joy of my salvation” and if you are too, I hope these 7 tips helped you. Salvation has changed it all for us and it should impact our lives daily.

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2 Responses

    1. Hi, Mikayla.
      I’m so glad to hear that this article was so insightful and helpful for you. All glory to God!
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

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Nikki Evanson

Hi, I'm Nikki

My goal is to help and equip Christians like you to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39: to love God and love people, and within this we need to learn how to love ourselves as God does.

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