woman holding bible; Who I am in Christ

Don’t Know Who You Are? Finding Your Identity in Christ

After I left my job to stay home with my first child, I didn’t know who I was anymore. I defined myself by my career and now I was lost.

If you have felt the same way at some point in your life, know your identity is not in any title this world gives you. Finding your identity in Christ is what’s important. You are a child of God and he says who you are, not anybody else. Discovering who you are in Christ from the Bible will never change, nor can it be taken away from you.

We are children of God. Finding our identity in Christ means there is nothing the enemy can steal when we stand empowered by Jesus.

You became a new creation when you accepted Christ. You died with Christ on the cross when he did. Finding my identity in Christ changed everything for me. It’s so important that you also find your identity in Christ so that you can love yourself as God does and feel secure in who you are.

What Does It Mean to Find Your Identity in Christ?

Identity is who you are. It is what you tell people you are. It is what you believe in your heart about yourself and have accepted about yourself. 

God knows your heart; if you are a true follower of him he knows that. He knows your desperation and desire for him. Truly striving to live for him, glorifying his name, and walking out his purposes means your identity is rooted in who he says you are. 

You are who Christ says you are. The enemy will try to stop you from walking in your true identity. You can’t let the enemy or the world tell you differently. Don’t back down to him or let him in at all. 

As a Christian, who you are in Christ is what the Bible says about you. This is revealed in scripture and through biblical figures. 

Related: Who You Are: 10 Bible Verses About Identity in Christ

Knowing who I am in Christ allowed me to stand strong in God. It’s possible for you too, because you have the power of the Holy Spirit inside you to persevere.

When you walk in your true identity of who he says you are, you will love him more and draw closer to him. You will learn—and be able to appreciate—who he made you to be, praising him and seeing the beauty in how he made you. You will be truly honoring God and living freely for him. 

Finding Your Identity in Christ

You can know some Bible verses about who you are in Christ… but if you don’t stand confidently in them then you are giving the enemy room to create doubt about your identity.

Therefore, it’s important to know how to stand, unwavering, in the truths about who you are in Christ. This will allow you to be happy in your own skin. It enables you to love others well because you are loving yourself by being who he created you to be. 

It’s important that you solidify certain foundational truths in your mind and heart to help you stand strong in the word of God. Below are 4 truths to help with finding your identity in Christ. They will help you be secure in him and stand in your identity.

1. You Are Completely Free

Knowing your identity in Christ by standing in what the Bible says about you starts with knowing the complete freedom you have in him. 

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36, NIV) 

Christ loves you so much that nothing could stand in his way to die for you—to give you freedom from Satan and sin. Acknowledging this freedom to accept your identity, instead of how the world wants you to define yourself, allows you to be firm in it. 

You can know your identity within your heart when you understand the depth of his love for you. His love is so immeasurable. There are no bounds to it. 

He went to the greatest, unbearable heights to give you freedom and you did nothing to deserve it. When you truly grasp this, you can choose to not let the world stand in the way of your freedom to be who he created you to be. 

This is loving yourself. 

John 8:36

Don’t back down because Christ already paid it all for you. There is no lie or weapon the enemy can form against you that can penetrate your mind or heart if you choose to stand in the freedom you have in Christ. 

Declare your identity—knowing the freedom you have with confidence—because Jesus set you undoubtedly, completely free. 

2. Remembering and Knowing the Power of Jesus 

Jesus is all powerful. His power overcomes all to make us complete; we needn’t do anything to win a battle but rely on him. 

“… and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” (Colossians 2:10, NIV)

Nothing can stand against him. His power and authority are above all. He showed this in many ways but especially when he rose from the dead. He conquered death. This power is in you too, through the Holy Spirit. 

Knowing this truth confidently allows you to stand in your identity, unwavering. There is nothing that the world can say or do to you to change who God made you to be if you stand knowing the power you have through the Holy Spirit. 

That power is always available to you and can’t be stopped by anything if you don’t let it. Call on Jesus and know the Spirit is in you. Remind yourself of that power by reading the book of Acts. His power is in you and is undefeated because Jesus conquered it all. 

3. The Power of God’s Word

Knowing the power of God’s word is essential. It brings freedom because the Bible is not just words on a page. His words hold immense power. 

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV) 

It has the ability to reveal when you are believing lies about who you are and help you see the truth. It can alter your heart and mind—and allow you to walk in the truth of who you are—when you meditate on it. 

You can take his word at face value for the complete truth of who you are. Let it marinate in your heart through consistent study of it. 

You must receive it by focusing on it daily. This requires faith and perseverance on your end—to study his word.

The power of knowing who you are in Christ comes from his word. When you know it and say it against a lie that the enemy throws at you, realize that it trumps the lie completely because it holds power and it’s the truth of who you are.

4. Trusting Jesus to Do the Work

You have to decide that you are going to trust Jesus and know who he is. He is always trustworthy. He will never let you down when you put your trust in him. He’ll allow you to stand in the truth of who you are.

“In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. To you they cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.” (Psalm 22:4-5, NIV)

Knowing this characteristic of Jesus will ensure that you will walk free from who the world says you are. Surrender every lie and battle that the enemy throws at you to Jesus, and trust that he will fight it for you.

Trusting means that you completely release it to him, knowing that he will handle it. Don’t let yourself feel overwhelmed. This gives the enemy a foothold in. 

Remember how much God loves you—that he wants to take care of it all. He can. He wants you to be in his peace. Trust him to do it, and rest in his presence.

The enemy doesn’t want you finding your identity in Christ. He wants you to be defined by what the world says about you. In order for you to stand in the truth of your identity in the Bible, you have to know you have been set completely free. Jesus is all powerful, and so is his word. Trust him. You can love yourself by walking in the truth of who God created you to be by remembering these truths.

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Nikki Evanson

Hi, I'm Nikki

My goal is to help and equip Christians like you to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39: to love God and love people, and within this we need to learn how to love ourselves as God does.

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