Winning the Battle in Your Mind 7 Keys to Victory

Winning the Battle in Your Mind: 7 Keys to Victory

Are you currently fighting a war in your mind? Lies, doubts, insecurities, fears, worries, discouragement: they all can keep popping up. It feels so crippling and hard to constantly fend off these thoughts. 

But winning the battle in your mind is possible. God sees you and wants to fight this battle for you. So much so that he died to give you victory over the enemy. 

You don’t have to give up, even when it feels so taxing. You have the tools to win. They are in the Bible and he will also instruct your mind when you ask him.

God is faithful. He will not let you down when you call on him—you will come out on the other side stronger than ever. 

What Are the Battles of the Mind?

The battles of the mind are inner battles that Satan launches to make you feel weak, keep you from walking in God’s will, and stop you from living out your God-given identity. 

They are unwanted thoughts that you have to keep fighting off. They can be lies about God, too. It’s spiritual warfare. 

There are certain things that can trigger a war in the mind: when you are walking in faith for God, waiting on God, following his will, seeking to draw closer to God, hearing a word from him, or you are going through a difficult season. 

Satan doesn’t want you to draw closer to God or stand strong in him. He wants you to doubt God, believe lies about him and yourself, or cripple you with fear, worry, insecurities and discouragement. He wants to steal from you by creating a mind battle. 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10, NIV) 

Be aware of your triggers and the personal attacks he throws at you. Ask God to show you the truth—he has got you.


What Is a Stronghold in Your Mind?

A stronghold in your mind is a thought, lie, doubt, or insecurity that keeps reappearing—one that it feels like you can’t get rid of. It can be so hard and discouraging when an unwanted thought keeps haunting you, but you don’t have to fear. God has given you mighty weapons to destroy this stronghold. 

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4, NIV) 

These weapons include the armor of God. 

“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11, NIV) 

Breaking down and demolishing strongholds in your mind includes you putting on the armor daily and comprehending its full force and power. You have the power to beat the inner battle you are facing right now. Don’t give up. Put on the armor of God.

2 Corinthians 10:4

How Do You Win a War With Your Mind?

Winning the war in your mind additionally includes you knowing that you have the mind of Christ. 

“… for, ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16, NIV) 

Having the mind of Christ means that you are in control. He will give you the truth you need, provide a Bible verse, and/or encourage you to win. Keep submitting it to him in prayer. Let him instruct your mind to win the battle because he always knows what you need to do to walk in victory. 

You should take every bad, unpleasant thought captive as the Bible instructs and not allow it to stay in your mind (2 Corinthians 10:5). This might feel tiresome at first, but the more you do it the better things get and it becomes second nature to you. Also, trust that the Holy Spirit is working on your behalf to help you.

If you keep allowing these thoughts to stay, they can become a reality in your life and/or be a stronghold. You will start believing them. Be diligent and put only good things in your mind. It’s good to watch only TV shows that are wholesome, listen to worship music in the car, etc. Keep your mind on God. 

Winning the Battle in Your Mind

In your struggle of winning the battle of the mind, remember that God hasn’t left you defenseless. You hold the power to have victory through him. He is your source; the tools he gives you (described in the Bible) guarantee that you will win. 

In addition to putting on the armor of God, you can find below 7 keys to victory to help you in winning the battle in your mind. Even if you feel discouraged, you can win this—these thoughts can stop. Through Christ you are victorious!

1. Stand in Truth

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and panicky when you are faced with fighting inner demons. But you don’t have to be; you don’t have to accept these thoughts. 

Instead, you can take them captive and replace them with the truth found in the Bible. Be persistent in speaking the truth to yourself from the Bible. Fight back and don’t accept the thoughts of the enemy. Don’t agree with his lies, but instead stand in agreement with the truth. The truth sets you free. 

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32, NIV) 

Keep speaking the truth to yourself and fend off the enemy’s thoughts. 

Related: Three Steps to Love God With All Your Mind

2. Praising God

When fighting spiritual battles, you can triumph through praising God. When the lies, doubts, insecurities, fears, worries, and discouragement come, start praising him.

You can see this in the Old Testament when the people of Judah used the power of praising God to win their battles.

“As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.” (2 Chronicles 20:22, NIV) 

Praising God will win the battle in your mind, too. The enemy can’t stand against the praises of God. 

Winning the Battle in Your Mind

3. Stay in the Word of God

When the inner battle feels so intense, remember to stay in the word of God. 

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” (Proverbs 30:5, NIV) 

His word will bring the truth you need to your mind. It will empower you to know God has got this. 

Read it as much as you can to renew your mind, stay strong, and encouraged. The word of God is a mighty defense against the enemy.

4. Keep Praying

In winning the battle in your mind, prayer is essential. 

“Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” (James 5:13, NIV) 

Prayer will strengthen you when you feel weak, when you feel like you can’t keep going on and just feel so distraught. It will change your heart and mind. 

Keep seeking him for help at any time. Prayer changes things in the inner battle of the mind. Keep praying to stand strong in the battle and to get your victory. 

5. Opening Up to Safe People

Sometimes in your mind battle you can feel alone and that no one understands what you are going through. God is always with you; he understands. 

You should always go to God first to help you… but secondly you can open up to safe people in your life. They can help point you to the truth of God, pray for you, and be listeners. 

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, NIV) 

They can fight this battle with you. Sometimes their words from God can help you get the revelation and truth you need.

Galatians 6:2

6. The Power of the Name of Jesus

When you have no more words to pray and just want to give up because the battle in your mind keeps raging on and on, just utter the name of Jesus. His name is all powerful. 

“… that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11, NIV) 

His name breaks down walls. The enemy can’t stand against it. Remember the power of the name of Jesus and just utter his name in this mind battle.

7. Listen to God

Listening to God is another key to winning the battle in your mind. Keep praying—but also make time to listen to him. 

“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” (Proverbs 19:20, NIV) 

His words are what you need to stand strong and keep going. They will point you to the truth you need to win this battle. Make time to listen to God in the battle. It will settle your heart, too.

If you are struggling with an inner battle right now, winning the battle in your mind is possible. 7 keys to doing it are standing in truth from the Bible, praising God, staying in the word of God, keep praying, opening up to safe people, saying and knowing the power of the name of Jesus, and making time to listen to God. You can win this battle. Don’t give up; keep fighting.

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26 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for this encouraging article. This was just what I needed. Every single word and every verse were touching, alive and faith lifting . God bless your ministry in helping people with the truth they need to hear.

    1. I’m so glad this message was so encouraging to you, and that it was just what you needed. God is so good!
      May God bless you, and thank you so much for uplifting me with your message. It really means so much.

      1. i needed this so bad i have been battling for on most two months now i was never taught how to battle growing up i’ve been barely surviving to be honest i need guidance and that really helped me thank you

        1. Hi, Kayla.
          Thank you so much for sharing.
          I’m so glad to hear that this article was so helpful to you. All glory to God!
          Please know I’m praying for you. It’s so wonderful to connect!

    1. I am so glad to hear this — praise God! He is so good.
      God bless you. It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

      Saya sangat gembira mendengar ini — puji Yesus! Dia sangat baik.
      Tuhan merahmati kamu. Ia sangat indah untuk berhubung dengan anda.

  2. I am teaching a youth Bible study from the Book Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat at your table and needed some more information and this was very helpful thanks so much God bless you Samantha

    1. Hi, Samantha.
      I’m so glad that you found this article and that it helped you for your youth Bible study. I’m praising God; all glory to him!
      I’m praying that God moves in powerful ways. God bless you — it’s so wonderful to connect with you!

  3. Muchas gracias en estos momentos estoy teniendo muchas batallas espirituales en las que sola no puedo pero al ver leer estoy m ayuda

    1. Hi, Judy.
      I’m so glad that reading this article has helped you. I know that Jesus is with you and will help you.
      I’m also praying for you. God bless you. It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

      Hola Judy.
      Me alegra mucho que leer este artículo te haya ayudado. Sé que Jesús está contigo y te ayudará.
      Yo también estoy orando por ti. Dios lo bendiga. Es maravilloso conectar contigo.

  4. This article is such a blessing to because I know I have a stronghold of the mind, because I struggle with staying focus of the word of God and remembering what I have read. I wasn’t like this before. Right now I think my best bet is to praise God. I also believe something else is going on demonically.

    1. Hi, Bernadette.
      I’m so glad that you found this article to be a blessing to you. Praise the Lord — all glory to him!
      I’m praying that the Lord will deliver you from this. I know your praises to him are powerful weapons against the enemy, to defeat his attacks. Praise changes things! It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

    1. Hi, Robert.
      I’m so glad that this was such an inspiration for you! All glory to God.
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you!

  5. thank you so much for your article. God led me to you. your article was such a blessing!!! it has really helped me to see the truth of God’s Word. I really needed the truths in your article. God bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you

    1. Hi, Rosalind.
      Praise the Lord! All glory to him. I’m so thankful that God led you to this article and that it helped bring you into the truth that you needed.
      May God bless you and keep you as well! I’m praying that God will continue to speak his truth into your life.
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

  6. Thank you so much. This article has really helped me. Am taking notes and getting back to my Bible to read the word of God.

    1. Hi, Josephine.
      I’m so glad to hear that this article really helped you! All glory to God! I’m also so happy to hear that you’re spending time in the Bible.
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

  7. I take this special time to appreciate your good Ministries for providing such a lesson for Pastors and others guys who are trying to practice the words of God. As I read on the mind of God, my life have becomes refresh through this particular studies. Amen

    1. Hi, Harrison.
      I’m so glad to hear that your life has been refreshed through this study. To God be all the glory!
      I pray that the Lord will continue to refresh you.
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you!

    1. Hi, Chinnamma. I’m so sorry to hear this, but I’m definitely praying for you and will continue to.
      Reach out any time if you need more prayer! It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

    1. Hi, Adelina.
      I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed this and that it was so helpful to you. All glory to God!
      It’s so wonderful to connect with you.

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Nikki Evanson

Hi, I'm Nikki

My goal is to help and equip Christians like you to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39: to love God and love people, and within this we need to learn how to love ourselves as God does.

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