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Nikki Evanson

Overcoming Our Struggles to Love

Division in the Church: Overcoming Our Struggles to Love

Are you fighting with someone in your church? Maybe you disagree with how they feel about an issue, or you are mad about how they treated you or what they said to you. Sometimes, we don’t even tell the person at church we are angry at them or that they hurt us. But doing nothing

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How You Can Love People as a Disciple of Jesus

How You Can Love People as a Disciple of Jesus

Recently, I went on a trip to visit my family and met an extended family member for the first time. Although he didn’t speak English, his actions spoke louder than words. He was so welcoming, helpful, and warm; he simply loved me, my family and everyone around him so much. Watching him, it made me

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What Does the Bible Say About Depression

What Does the Bible Say About Depression?

Do you feel like you’re going through a period of time when you’ve lost the ability and desire to do things? Maybe you feel like you’re struggling to move forward in life… but instead finding yourself often feeling hopeless and sorrowful. I went through this recently, after suffering the loss of a dear loved one. 

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Words of Comfort in the Bible for Your Hard Time

Words of Comfort in the Bible for Your Hard Time

Are you in pain right now and in need of comfort? Maybe you have experienced loss and are grieving; or in great physical pain; or dealing with conflict in relationships; or having financial hardships.  Whatever you are walking through, I want you to know that God’s perfect comfort is available. There are words of comfort

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Looking For Help in Your Loss? The Bible on Grief

Looking For Help in Your Loss? The Bible on Grief

Have you suffered the loss of a loved one and don’t know how to deal with your grief? Sometimes it feels like you just want to cry all the time and don’t even want to get out of bed to face the world. Doing normal things just feels so hard.  To begin, I just want

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When Your Mistakes Are Holding You Back

When Your Mistakes Are Holding You Back: The Grace of Jesus

Are you allowing your mistakes to hold you back? Do you lay awake at night, replaying the wrong things you did or said? You don’t have to obsess over your mistakes when you know the grace of Jesus because there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1). The grace of Jesus is a gift to

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Facts About God to Hold Onto When Things Go Wrong

Facts About God to Hold Onto When Things Go Wrong

Joseph ended up in prison. Naomi lost her husband and sons. Daniel was in a lion’s den to be put to death. Maybe you too have been following God faithfully, but things have turned out so badly. You might even be questioning why you still follow him… and wonder whether you should walk away.  But

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How to Let Go of Resentment: 3 Biblical Truths to Help You

How to Let Go of Resentment: 3 Biblical Truths to Help You

Were you mistreated by someone you love? Maybe it was your parent, spouse, or a close friend that you expected to always treat you well. This is devastating, and it’s hard to move past the hurt.  Now you are holding a grudge and you want to know how to let go of resentment to repair

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Nikki Evanson

Hi, I'm Nikki

My goal is to help and equip Christians like you to live for Jesus by following Matthew 22:37-39: to love God and love people, and within this we need to learn how to love ourselves as God does.

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